Setting Goals
Instant Gratification or the #LongGame
When setting seasonal or longer term race goals with your coach, be clear on what you’re A Goal is and what are B or C goals along the way.
If you want to really improve, playing the long game with a more reaching goal is the way to go.
There isn't a magic formula, its incremental improvements and consistency over time that will see you with the biggest gains.
So if a coach comes to you with the BS 'we can try this type of new training that no one's doing' or something that looks like a magic pill, I would turn away and run coz there is no magic pill in my experience as a coach.
Be clear on your A Race goal, and then sit down and add intermediary training or race goals along the way to keep you motivated and on track.
These B and C goals are all part of the process to getting you to where you need to be to reach the ultimate goal.
For example, I recently sat down with a Fluid athlete after World Champs to work out what we want to do aim for moving forward.
Together we earmarked the main race for the Summer, and even where we want to be in 12months. Then we choose some shorter term goals that we could use to assist in the process along the way.
Where the 'Instant Gratification' comes in here is, it's going to be impossible for the athlete to PB or cream every goal along the way to the main race goal of the Summer.
Some of these intermediate goals will be performed under duress, so not fully tapered, a PB is not likely on the cards and they will have to suck up the result and have the necessary perspective.
If the athlete understands and trusts this as part of the process that coach/athlete together agreed upon in the athlete meeting then ultimate success is more certain.
So to sum it up, before you start that B or C training or 'race to train' goal along the way be clear on why you are doing it and what you want to get out of it. Think back to that meeting with your coach.
Trust in the process and you will go a long way.
Coach Foz