Come join us for the best Ironman Squad experience
- 20week Specific Phase Program – From February to Race Day June 16th
OR 25week Program includes Pre-Specific Preparatory Phase (recommended)
- Individual training plan with access to all Fluid Squad sessions and our Online community. Program delivery via Training Peaks where applicable. This includes full access to training camps, specific training blocks and unlimited access to your coaches.
Since its inception a few years ago our athletes have loved being a part of our Cairns Club race week, each year we average around 30 athletes across the IM & 70.3 distances at Cairns. The enhanced Club and coaching support all race week is the perfect way to finish off the preparation, giving the athletes extra confidence going into their big day knowing we were all in this together.
This has translated into some great results, inc.
- Qualifying 18athletes for the Hawaii Ironman over the past 2years.
- 2 new Ironman World Champions - Vanessa Murray 2021 (St George) 2023 (Hawaii)
- 2nd Place Ironman Cairns Tri Club Challenge 2022 – Melbourne Tri Club
What you have access to being part of the FLUID/MTC Club Race Experience
- ‘Calendar for Cairns’ Club Pre-Race Information pack
- Full Coach support in Palm Cove all race week and on race day
- 5x Coached taper sessions in race week
- Pre-Race Club Athlete / Supporter briefings
- Pre-Race Club Breakfast get together
- Team Photo, including your own Ironman commemorative Ironman Cairns Club T-Shirts
- Access to our Club Masseur exclusively for members
- MTC Club Tent/Supporter Base setup on Cairns race run course
- Massive support crew on race day and post-race party.
If you are interested in joining the Cairns program or any other Ironman in 2023 please get in touch