Melbourne Tri Club is a not for profit entity run by a committee of volunteers. They are one of the oldest Tri clubs in Australia - 2020 sees 35 years of operating.....
Melbourne Based Triathlon Coaching

Fluid Movements Head Coach and Founder, Sean Foster began coaching in 1996 in the role of swim coach for EPS Triathlon under the direction of Coach Tony Benson and quickly improved a squad of over 80 swimmers and found his passion for coaching. After completing his first ironman in Forster (NSW) in 1999 where he placed 11th overall and 1st age grouper, he also took on co-ordination of the EPS Ironman program.
During this time Sean coached many prevalent names in Victorian Triathlon, including the current head Coaches of Tri-bal (Andy Sleeman) and Tri Alliance (Ollie Allan). Under Sean’s coaching, the EPS ironman program was very successful with great results and many Hawaii Ironman qualifiers.
In 2003, Fluid Movements Sports and its full triathlon program was established following a great apprenticeship under Tony Benson and after his own career as a professional Ironman Athlete.
Since the founding of Fluid, we have been the exclusive training provider for the Melbourne Tri Club, and still are to this day.
Fluid has grown to become one of the most successful and respected training squads in Victoria. We pride ourselves on providing high level coaching at every level from our Fluid Movements 6 week Beginner Course athletes through to Professional triathletes, and we tailor our product to suit individual needs.
Our dedicated coaching team will provide you with the guidance you need to achieve your short, medium and long term triathlon goals >