Lorne Training Camp

The date is set for Fluids Ironman/Worlds Rep Camp at Lorne.
The camp will see a full Ironman race distance ride with pacing and nutritional rehearsal with extended run off the bike for Ironman athletes. For ITU and 70.3 Worlds athletes the camp will be a kick start to their preparation with a lot of endurance and strength development training over the weekend.
Date – May 5-7th 2017
Where – Based at the Cumberland Lorne in Victoria
What – Camp will cater to Ironman specific phase, 2017 ITU and 70.3 Worlds athletes.
Friday – Athletes to arrive, if there early enough there is an aerobic session to complete (open water swim, ride or run)
Saturday – Ironman athletes will complete a full race distance 180km ride followed by an extended paced run off the bike. ITU and 70.3 athletes will complete a 4-6hour strong ride on the Amy Gran Fondo course with a shorter run off the bike. There will be an afternoon Challenge TT session for all shorter course athletes.
Sunday – An aerobic group ride, followed by a long strong trail run. Athletes wanting some open water practise can complete a wetsuit swim post session.
If you are an ironman in a specific phase or you have or expect to qualify for Worlds and would like to attend Fluids first camp for 2017, then get in touch with Coach Foz at sean@fluidmovements.com or 0421 020 805 for cost and schedule details.